Saturday, August 15, 2009

Let's Go RED SOX

In lieu of a traditional summer vacation for various reasons we decided to go see our beloved SOX take on the Atlanta Braves. We decided to go to 2 games and wondered just how smart we were in taking a squirmy almost 2-year old to a baseball 98 degree heat.....150% humidity.....with a 8-month pregnant mommy.

We stayed at a hotel within walking distance of Turner Field. We realize now what a great choice that was, sitting in a hot car in traffic after the game would have been absolutely brutal. The hotel pool was also a life saver, not to mention the cleansing affect of the chlorine. We were some nasty sweaty peeps....

Matthew's first peek at a Baseball Game.

Happy Camper....thus far. Wondering when the promised hot dogs will arrive?

Admiring his Papa....he thinks that guy hung the moon.

The famous "funny smile".

While the first game was pretty easy.....the second game started at 1 PM.....which is sacred nap-time hour. We wondered how that would work and had already come up with a plan for me to head back to the hotel should the meltdown begin. We were pleasantly surprised...Matthew fell asleep in my arms before the game began and slept for about an hour. WOO HOO!!!! Of course when he awoke he was ready to GO GO GO. Thank goodness for the generous space that Turner Field has dedicated to smokers....with picnic tables and shade. We stayed busy and I bribed him with his very first FUNNEL CAKE and real COCA COLA. Talk about a sugar high.

Naptime....thank goodness for Willie's UV Shirt which provided much needed shade!!

The whole (HOT) crew!!

Bye Bye Turner Field

Making the trek back to the hotel.

Cooling off!!!!

Drying off....

All to figure out dinner!!

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