Thursday, April 25, 2013

Annual Strawberry Picking

We finally made it out for our annual excursion to the strawberry patch.  This just might be one of my favorite traditions, and I have visions of teenage boys rolling their eyes at me in ten years as I make them fill their own buckets.  For now, they mostly love it and certainly eat as much, if not more, than they pick.

The patch was especially muddy this year, miraculously my two stayed pretty clean.

The second best part to picking them, the JAMAPALOOZA that follows.  We had a new team member this year, between the three of us we canned (53) half-pint jars of strawberry deliciousness.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

First World Problems

Kimber was very opinionated about who should drive one night last week and we thought it was weird so we asked him why he wanted mama to drive versus papa.  His response, "when mama drives I have more room for my legs".

Willie and I looked at each other and cracked right up.  I mean in other parts of the world 3-year olds find themselves responsible for working the fields or carrying water for hours on end. 

His biggest problem at that moment,

                                                                breathing room for his little legs.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Life seems crazier than normal these days so we thoroughly enjoyed our time together.

We started out the day with little boys peeking into their little baskets.  They were most impressed with their new shovels...and the fact that they got to eat candy with their eggs for breakfast.

We headed to church where we got to serve for the 9:00 service and then took the boys with us to the 11:00 service.  I had the pleasure of attempting to teach 8 very sugared up an interesting experience.

We made it back home and after a few pictures we set about cooking and picking up in preparation for our guests.

We had 8 adults and 8 kids and that number doesn't seem that big, but when the weather is icky and we are mostly stuck inside it was well...cozy.

Milk baked ham, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, deviled eggs, cheesy macaroni, potato salad, green salad and strawberry cake filled our bellies.  Once the kids could not stand it any longer Lisa and I went to hide nearly 100 eggs.  They hunted them quite well and set about ingesting nearly every ounce of sugar.  Thankfully some of the eggs had stickers, crayons and even money inside.