Friday, February 26, 2010

Brotherly Love

Motherhood has been a journey filled with a multitude of emotions for me. Bringing another little Riggle into the family has added a new level to this experience.

I absolutely love watching my two little men interact. At this stage it is mostly Kimber staring at Matthew with such adoration. I know, I know, they will eventually be fighting over every little thing but for now, this makes me happy....and a wee tiny bit proud. Lately Matthew has started showing Kimber "how" to play. Whenever I make Kimber a pallet on the floor to roll around on Matthew is not far behind with his menagerie of trucks, tractors and trains. I was putting up some laundry last week and came back in to find Kimber, who I left in his exersaucer, has had the entire bin of baby toys poured into/onto the saucer with about sensory overload. Matthew, of course pointed at Kimber and his pile of toys and said "baby play". I have to admit I was a little worried how Matthew would react when we brought Kimber home and I have been very pleasantly surprised. He is nothing but sweet to his brother, such a little helper for me and all around his usual sweet self.

They were both sick with ear infections here but still hanging out.

My three sweet boys!


Help Mom.......I can barely see over this pile.

Christmas Day...2009

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Five Months Little Man

Another month has passed us by and what a busy month it was.

You accomplished the following this month:

* You acquired your first two teeth, within about a week of each other.
* You became quite the proficient little roller.
* You ingested your first foods that did not come from Mommy.
* You slept 5 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!!!!
So you only did this once but Mommy can see the light at the end of the tunnel ;-)

Each day it seems you become so much more aware of this world.

As soon as I put you in the car you immediately look to your right, searching for Matthew.

You cackle out loud when Muppet the dog comes into your line of sight and get even more tickled when she licks the ever-present drool off of your face.

You have become quite vocal and make so many sounds. You have started making the motorboat sound quite often, especially when we are in the car.

Complete strangers walk up to us all of the time and comment on your gorgeous hair, you then flash them your huge precious smile and I can almost see them melting...just like I do about a million times a day.

You are still such a sweet little soul and I am positive that I could not have asked for a better baby. You make the lack of sleep seem like such a minor detail. We love you little man....and always will.

My favorite shot of you this month...

Your first food....cereal with bananas.

Chewing on your favorite toy.

Really tired of me trying to get a good picture....

Resting on Papa after a wrestling match with brother.

Enjoying bath time.

You look so much like your Papa to me here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

....Gonna Soak Up the Sun.....

Finally....after what seems like weeks of cold, sleet, snow or rain we got a few days of warmer temperatures and sunshine. We took advantage in a big way.

The first nice day was spent at the park with some friends. We fed the ducks and fish and of course admired the tractors working on the Art Museum expansion.

Over the nice weekend we picked up "sticks" from a tree Willie cut down, watched Willie splitting wood, installed my new sink/potting bench in the shed, cleaned off the back porch and had some friends over for fajitas.

It is amazing how a little change in the weather makes EVERYONE in this house OH SO HAPPY!

Feeding the ducks...and fish.

Enjoying the sunshine...finally!

Watching the tractors.

Matthew and his "lady friends".

Smiley-drooly faced baby Kimber.
