We recently spent a couple of weeks in Texas and THAT is a whole other post but I have some snippets from Matthew that made me smile that I have to get down before my mind dumps them (like it seems to do a lot these days).
I talked up the Texas trip for several weeks so the morning we left Matthew confirmed that we were going to Texas. I kept telling him we would be in the car a long time but to no avail. At every stop he would ask, "This is Texas"? I kept telling him not yet, not yet. At one point, about 7 hours in, he was whining in his carseat, "mama, texas, puhlease......". He finally lost all patience at about hour 10 through hour 14, he was sitting in his carseat crying "want Texas now" over and over and over again. Did I mention that I had no radio at this point...yeah, fun times.
We ventured down south to visit friends who happen to have a pair of goats. We arrived a bit early and decided to go around back and visit their goats. Within mere seconds of "meeting" said ruminants Matthew said "look mama, blueberries" while pointing to the prolific amount of poop on the ground.
Another thing we talked about leading up to our Texas adventure was Matthew getting to meet his cousins. He has nine cousins in Texas, two of which he had never met. It had been over a year since we had been back home so he really did not have any recollection of there "cousins". We woke up at my parents house the day after we arrived and Matthew walked over to a basket of stuffed animal and said "look mama, it's my cousins". He was thrilled with the stuffed animal version of his cousins and even more impressed when he met the human forms.
While in Texas we spent an absolutely gorgeous day at the Fort Worth Zoo. This was only our second trip to a zoo but all Matthew could talk about were the monkeys. We saw the monkeys first and then I kept bribing him with additional monkey time if we could see some other animals. He obliged but near closing time he was getting impatient and letting me know, quite sternly, that he needed monkeys NOW. On our way out we went back through the "World of Primates" only to find workers washing out the monkey exhibits. Needless to say..there were lots of tears as we made our way to the car. Looks like we will be zooing it up very soon.
So, we are from Texas, land of good Tex-Mex and we currently reside in Alabama, land of we only use white cheese in our "mexican" cuisine. Needless to say, from the time we arrive to the time we depart the lone star state we are partaking in Mexican Food. We ate Mexican food four days in a row and Matthew figured out quite quickly, after the first visit in which I ordered the boys virgin strawberry daiquiris AKA smoothies, that mexican food = smoothies. At the subsequent 3 restaurants, we would walk in and Matthew would say, "I want Smoothie mama".
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago
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