Thursday, September 20, 2012


Do you ever have one of those surreal moments when the result of a decision that you stressed over finally rears its head and you realize, wow, I am so glad I did x?

Well it happened to me today, while sitting in car line at preschool pick-up.  I saw Matthew coming in from the playground with his class and finally, he was not the smallest one.  He looked like he fit in with his class, which is a huge first.  Last year he was so much smaller than 90% of his classmates it caused a little anxiety for this mama.

So, that decision I made to wait one more year for kindergarten, is okay.  He is where he is supposed to be, I have no doubt.  And I have another whole year with my little man!!!

1 comment:

Shelley Jepsen said...

I am really glad I also kept Sammy back a year also. You know, psychologists say that a boy should go into kindergarten a year later than a girl. It's better for their self esteem and maturity level. I'm glad you got the confirmation though. It's nice to know that you made the right decision.

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