Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A reprieve

So...last weekend I was given a much needed break from my motherly~wifely duties and embarked on my first girls weekend since NYC 2005 and my first time away since becoming a mom...4 short-long years ago.  It had been WAY TOO LONG.  I struggled with the title of this post but finally decided that reprieve was the most accurate adjective I could come up with.  I do love my kiddos and of course the hubs but this parenting thing is a 24-hour a day 7 day a week gig with VERY few breaks.  I am still undecided as to what my favorite part of my break was.  I did a lot of sitting on the beach, a lot of applying sunscreen (just on me), some much needed girl time, a stroller/dog free run but I think the thing that takes the cake.....a FULL NIGHT OF SLEEP....THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW.   This girl has missed her sleep.

It was great to get away, and I totally needed it but man was it awesome to come home.  I do think Willie put the boys in some kind of time machine while I was gone.  I swear they aged at least 6 months in those few days.

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