I am incredibly thankful for the God that created me in his image, loves me and protects me unconditionally.
I am thankful for my husband, who so fiercely loves me, gets me (most of the time), provides for me in so many ways, stands firmly behind me, challenges me and always always always makes me laugh and every once in a while...cry.
I am thankful I was born in a free country with brave men and women willing to lay down their lives to protect our incredible freedom. People have died for our rights, rights we take for granted EVERY SINGLE DAY so that we may occupy Wall Street, read what books we choose, bear arms, have as many babies as we desire, wear what we like or concern ourselves with idiotic things like those stupid frickin' Kardashians.
I am thankful for Matthew, the baby that made me a mom and makes me proud EVERY SINGLE DAY. He is healthy, happy, determined, quiet, loving and has proven that motherhood is 1000 times
I am thankful for Kimber, my caboose, my missing link, my snuggle puppy. He has that thing that his Dad has, the ability to crack me up daily. He is happy, healthy, stubborn, definitely NOT QUIET, sweet and every single moment makes me thankful for my blessings.
I am thankful for heated seats in my car.
I am thankful for friends who "get" me and all my quirkiness!
I am thankful for a dad that made me a strong independent woman. He is always the perfect combination of firm and loving.
I am thankful for our little house in a cul-de-sac with awesome neighbors and lots of trees.
I am thankful for the health of my family.
I am thankful for my paternal grandparents who were the most patient-perfect-grandparenty grandparents ever. The vast majority of my positive childhood memories involve them. I never look at a yellow squash or peach tree without thinking of them. They didn't laugh at my high school/college horse affliction, they encouraged me to follow my heart, they were truly genuine Christian people who cared for everyone around them. I was blessed enough to have them until I was into my thirties but man I miss them.
I am thankful for all of the experiences, good and bad, that I have had that delivered me to this happy place in my life.
I am thankful for my 2 year old being potty trained and our household being out of the diaper business!!
I am thankful for PIXAR and Disney and the geniuses behind their awesomeness.
I am thankful for our fertile soil that we get to play in, grow things in (especially weeds) and simply enjoy.
I am thankful for my Garmin GPS, I am totally spoiled and there is not a single part of me that misses the pre-2006 days of running....and then driving the route to determine my mileage.
I am thankful for a husband that doesn't do sports (besides a little baseball), loves to build me stuff and is always thinking way outside of the proverbial box!
I am thankful for sunshine..without which I would not be a pretty person.
I am thankful for cheese...any all flavor variety...cheese...mmmmmmmm!
I am thankful for family and friends who still appreciate the beauty of snail mail.
I am thankful for this strong body I have been blessed with, it never ceases to amaze me.
I am thankful for chocolate...
I am thankful for W's new position...him being home more is SO AWESOME!
I am thankful for my sewing machine, one of the most awesome gift I have ever gotten and it is oh so fun to make stuff.
I am thankful for awesome in-laws. I know A LOT of people don't feel very blessed in this department but I certainly do.
I am thankful for a healthy marriage, that defies some of the accepted roles that marriage typically takes on.
I am thankful for our old school wood burning fireplace, there is nothing quite as homey as a real fire in the fireplace and the smell of woodsmoke in the air.
I am thankful for sandpaper and paint, such an easy way to transform a room or piece of furniture.
I am thankful for Muppet, the most awesome dog on the planet. She watches after/puts up with our boys and all of their antics. Loves sitting in the sunshine....and in front of the space heater and is great at floor clean-up...as long as it doesn't involve lettuce.
I am tankful for books. If there is one thing I love the most it is reading. There is nothing quite like the feel/smell/sensation of a book in your hands.
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