As in any long-term adventure there are good days and then there are the not so good ones. I am pretty sure my neighbors must think I torture these poor kids with the way the carry on at naptime and/or bedtime. It seems we are finally breaking even in that we have an many good days as not but the bad days are tough.
Here is the scenario, on a good day, I lay Matthew down in bed and he usually reads books or plays tractors until he doses off, I then nurse Kimber for a bit and lay him down awake in his bed. He usually fusses for less than a minute and then dozes off. SO on a bad day, I lay Matthew down after reading books, nurse Kimber for a bit, lay him down, he wiggles, rolls, turns on his aquarium, chews on the crib, whines and then starts crying as if the world is coming to an which point Matthew screams "Baby lay down" while kicking his legs like a mad man. At this point Kimber either cries harder or laughs. This can go on for hours if I don't intervene and the actual intervention delays bedtime by at least 30 minutes.
I know all about Mr. Ferber, The Baby Whisperer and Babywise, I have read the books, repeatedly....believe me. I truly think that my children are genetically predisposed to sleep adversity...that and I am not a Ferber mom, though I have had my days where I have let the screaming go on because I am simply at a loss for what to do.
I know that this is all a phase and that a month from now it will be different, hopefully better, but at least different.
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1 day ago
I hear you. I am not born to be a Ferber mom. But, some days just call for a little bit of crying because WE need sleep. I'm sure it would help if I was consistent, though. That's probably part of the problem here.
Oh man, sleep issues are so hard. We seem to have had sleep issues of all kinds, and they all stink. Hang in there!!
I swear, they got that from their Papa. Willie was NOT a good sleeper, but he grew into one, as long as it was when he wanted. Hang in there, you are doing a GREAT job.
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