It is that time again, last Saturday was my third and William's first running of the local little half marathon I have come to love. It is the perfect little race with just the right amount of people, support, cheering and the weather, once again, was pretty perfect.
The last 13.1 was did together was in 2004, in Dallas, before our world was turned upside down by little people. After the race we ate and literally went home and did nothing the rest of the day. IN case you were wondering, that is NOT the post-race agenda of a 3 and 5 year old. Movies, carousel riding, dinner out and lots of walking was their plan, apparently.
This year I actually got to run it with the hubs...well this might be a bit of a stretch as you can imagine 6 foot man and not quite 5 foot girl are not exactly the same pace, but we were together for the first 7 miles and together in spirit after that! I struggled A LOT, especially the first 5 or so miles, the coughy junk I have been fighting for close to a month tried to stop me over and over but once I got through about the 5th mile it got a bit easier.
My sweet friend Lisa, who made it through 90% of our training...all while growing a tiny human in her uterus had to drop out at the last minute per doctors orders. She so graciously gave her packet to Willie and took charge on my little men and came and cheered us on with gusto. She rocks in SO SO SO many ways.
Anyways, we did it, it's over and I always have mixed emotions after a race. I am relieved to not be in training for anything, but I love working towards a goal. I am thinking P90x over the next couple of months.....onward and upward baby!!
And if you see me limping, don't laugh, these are 36 year old knees...that feel at least 60 right now.
New Upcycle Ideas 769
23 hours ago
1 comment:
So proud of you both!!! I love the picture!!
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