What a BUSY summer!
We made a bucket list for summer and did ALMOST all of it.
Our annual Honeycomb Beach excursion was quite fun.....and infinitely easier than last year.
Our trip to Jack's lake was awesome, and the fact that I finally (after 3 years) made it through a Jack's Lake day without letting the boys get sunburnt was just the icing on top!
We hit 24.75 hours of reading over our 6 week break and the boys were thrilled to turn in their reading logs to our beloved Miss Maggie at the library at the final summer reading party....which just happened to include snakes, lizards and frogs.
Creek trips always top the summer (and who am I kidding...spring and fall) to do lists for the boys.
We made a trip to Cathedral Caverns with Nana and Gramps. No trip to the caverns is complete without a berry picking excursion. Thankfully Nana is an adept berry picker, even when the little boys lose focus in the adjacent peach orchard.
I participated in an INTENSIVE dyslexia training at our local Dyslexia school to beef up my skills in teaching Matthew. Nana & Gramps came and kept the boys....as a result these boys got a little spoiled and Kimber thinks all toast now "needs" CHEESE on it.
The baseball bug has hit Matthew HARD. He has always loved baseball but I would bet we have played catch 5 out of 7 days for the past 3 months, since baseball season ended. He also attended a 3-day baseball camp at the local high school that he thoroughly enjoyed.
The local Space and Rocket Museum has a Robot Zoo exhibit that is phenomenal. We spent a fun day exploring it and enjoying the lack of crowds as the local schools have started.
Our new school year starts next Monday! We are shifting from American History and Geography to a study of the ancients this year. Add this to math, reading, cursive, biology, geology and Latin. We will be dissecting owl pellets (poop) and crayfish in a few weeks and the boys cannot wait.
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago
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