Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On 3

Before becoming a parent all I heard about was the lack of sleep associated with parenting and the terrible twos.


My dumb self thought the lack of sleep thing was for a few months, I now realize it is truly a long term situation.  I am quite convinced at this point that I will never again sleep like I did before I had children.  I mean who truly sleeps as carefree as they did before these little beings that we grew in our bodies are out in the crazy big scary world????  I am not sure them being 20 is any better than them being 3?


For us, 2 was a breeze with Matthew and Kimber both. 

3...well that is a whole other story.  The 3rd year was pretty hard with Matthew, granted we had a one year old at the time as well but I distinctly remember thinking WOW, really, is this what 3 is supposed to be like.  The answer is a resounding YES.  Kimber is now a few months into 3 and holy guacamole, he challenges my patience, my parenting and my general sanity every single day.  He is the sunggliest guy on the planet one minute and a defiant little stinker the next.   I know, I know, I will miss these days some day, but today is NOT that day.

1 comment:

The Workman Family said...

Right there with you! 3 is something else!

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