Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Oracle

So, I am a little obsessed with my calendar, also known as "the calendar" or "the oracle".  I really do get a sense of organization or have-everything-togetherness from having a well organized updated, sometimes color coordinated calender.

Well today nothing went as planned and I mean nothing.  Instead of serving for the early service at church I served in the early service, then ended up serving with William in the middle service and actually attending the 11:00 service.  While nothing about this morning was planned it was incredibly relaxed and a wee bit freeing to just act on the fly.  And I would never have been able to convince William to teach a room full of 2-year olds, but boy did he step up and boy did we realize that 6 two year a lot of 2-year olds.

This afternoon we also flew by the seat of our pants.  We got a few things done, spent some much needed quality time together as a family and laughed, talked and truly enjoyed ourselves.

So yes, I know some of you make fun of my calendar but believe me, I know how to let go...every once in a while.

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