So, Baby Riggle #2 is infatuated with going to the bathroom when Matthew does. We have been outside A LOT these past few weeks and he always grabs himself and says "tee-tee" when he sees Matthew watering the outdoors. So, I have been encouraging him. The diaper bill is KILLING ME and we use generics. I digress, so in the last few days he has tee-tee'd multiple times outside and few times in the potty. Well today, right before naptime he asked to go tee-tee, so I obliged. Not only did he tee-tee....he pooped too!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! In case you can't tell, I am SUPER STOKED!!
I will be glad when he is out of diapers though I think with his appetite the diaper money is just going to go into the grocery envelope because he eats like a horse and I assume this will only get worse as he grows.
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago
That's great he's helping his big brother "water" the plants. I don't know what it is about them doing that but they all seem to LOVE it. Heck, if I could let Millie do it I would. I would LOVE to save on my diaper bill also. Hehe..
So jealous. Gray just turned 3. He's happy to sit on the potty, and will even ask, but never puts anything in it. :(
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