A friend, one that I consider SO ON TOP OF IT all the time, confessed some of her imperfections and it made me think, what a humbling, liberating feeling it might be to just be honest.
It is so easy, from the outside looking in to think friends, family or neighbors are more on top of things than I am but the truth is we are all fighting our own battles.
I miss the easy days. I miss hanging out with my funny husband. Before kids, before rent houses, before the never-ending to do list. Since we married while I was in college and spent the next 5 years finishing college and graduate school I am not sure our life was ever "easy" but it seems like that phase was much easier than this raising little people one is.
I used to be so patient and lately I feel like I lose my patience constantly....I hate yelling and getting mad but there are days where I feel like all I do is get on to my little guys. I hate myself and feel like such a failure when I lose it with them. They mean so much to me and I swore I would be this amazing, awesome, super mom and the fact is, some days I am not.
I am actually starting to enjoy cooking. I know, so very domestic of me. Cooking used to be such a chore back in my working outside the home days and while it is still a chore some days, these last few years it has become a bit satisfying. Giada I am not but I do pretty well.
I hate dusting...I mean truly despise it. (Sorry D, couldn't find better words). Of all the household chores, it is the most annoying, I mean the minute you dust it needs to be done again. At least the bathroom stays fairly clean for a
day hour or two.
We recently changed up our bedtime routine and it has been working much better. I spent several months HATING bedtime in a bad way. The entire process physically, mentally and emotionally wore me out and I can guarantee I was not a very good wife after going through that. Our new routine of laying down with them (which I swore I would NEVER do) for a few minutes works, right or wrong, we have found something that works and we are ALL happier....though I really have to fight hard not to fall asleep with them sometimes.
Just remember, there is always a story behind the story and NO ONE is perfect. The funny thing about perfection is that we are always striving for it when in reality it doesn't exist.