You have a HUGE repertoire of words, some of them are; milk, bird, Matt, Papa, Mama, dog, nack (snack), eat, juice, outside, tractor, choo choo, cat, car, shovel, noodles, apple, cheese, seed, poop, berry, necklace, hat, cookie, dance, hammer and 100 more I can't think of.
You know the sounds that a cow, chicken, dog, cat, bird, dinosaur and lion make.
You love being chased, eating, wrestling with your brother, playing trains, eating, watching birds, taking baths, being outside and wearing hats. Did I mention you love to eat...and just about anything! Some of your favorites are noodles, grapes, apples, blueberries, cheese, hot dogs, pizza, chicken, black beans, hummus, pretzels and oatmeal.
You are overjoyed to see Papa when he arrives home from work and run to greet him..which totally makes his day!
You sit in timeout quite well but certainly get your feelings hurt easily.
You are starting to fight back and randomly hit your big brother for no reason at all, which is funny and kinda not.
You had your first true tantrum last week because I make you come inside before you were ready. WOW...a temper...thanks to your Dad!!
You look up to Matthew, period. The way you watch him warms my heart..and scares me. It is not uncommon for me to hear Matthew telling you "jump Kimber" or "do X baby" and of course you do whatever he matter how death defying. I love that you guys are already so close. You play together fairly well. I get asked no less than twice an outing if you boys are twins, besides your dimples you and your brother look identical.
You and your brother have been sharing a bed for about 4 months and you both seem to like it. We are in the process of moving you guys from a twin bed to a queen to give you both more room for
Once again, you have added a dynamic to our family that is so perfect. You complete our team and we look forward to all of the little moments that await us.
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