Baby Riggle 1.0 is officially halfway through his 3rd year of life.
A little about you at this point in time:
Peanut Butter is your favorite food, you would eat it every single meal if I let you. You love your brother and when you are not mad at him for taking something you want you play really well together. You talk to him and he totally listens, even when he shouldn't. You are a mama's boy but totally love your papa too. Your current cartoon obsession is Diego. You love to color, play with play doh, help me make biscuits, woodwork with Papa, take baths, dance, ride your bike, dig in the dirt, build train tracks, visit Mr. Dan, play with your friends, climb trees/shrubs, swim and be outside. You are starting to develop a little attitude when things don't quite go your way. You are very liberal in giving hugs and kisses to me and are starting to figure out that an unsolicited kiss, especially when you are being a mess, is an instant attitude adjustment for this mama. You can count to 15 in English and to 10 in German and Spanish. You know most of your colors and love to draw and paint. You no longer nap and are finally in a decent sleep pattern at night, though occasionally you do enjoy a little snuggle time in our bed. You are finally over your sunscreen phobia...thank goodness.
You make us proud EVERY SINGLE DAY and we love that YOU are YOU little guy!!
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago
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