I get such a thrill from watching these two little boys play together. This afternoon we were outside in the garden planting cabbage and Kimber was using the little hand shovel to shovel dirt into Matthew's dump truck. Matthew kept saying "thanks Timber" and of course Kimber would look up at him with such complete adoration.
At mealtime Matthew has started pulling Kimber's chair over really close to him so he can "eat with Timber".
They have also started wrestling which scares me most of the time but they both get such a kick out of rolling around together, jumping, climbing, etc. The squeals of utter delight make the short nights seem like such a small price to pay for the front row seat I have to their silly adventures.
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago
ooh, the wrestling never seems to end! lol
It's such a blessing to appreciate the small things in life. Sounds like you have many many blessings.
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