In the months after you were born I was told 8,435 times to enjoy these young years because they pass way too quickly. After the first 300 times I kind of quit listening. I have discovered how right all those people were.

Three seems like such a big number for my little boy but alas, three years have passed since we met you and I'll say it again, we will never be the same. You have changed our lives in some of the most surprising ways. I still remember the moment I first saw you and how tiny all of you seemed except for those big wondering eyes. You looked at me and I knew I was changed forever. Those first months went by so fast and your dad and I worried about you and slept so little for fear that you would need us at any moment. You softened us and toughened us up simultaneously. You taught us what was truly important in this confusing world. You allowed two people who had know each other a decade see each other in a completely new light.

You have grown and changed at lightening speed and we have reveled in your limelight, watching you learn about this world with a smile on your face. You are such a happy, busy, independent little boy and make us so very proud on a daily basis.
Right now you are completely obsessed with garbage trucks. I literally plan our Thursdays around the garbage trucks appearance on our street. You are in a state of pure bliss as we sit in the driveway watching the garbage truck do its thing.
You are very determined and a little bit impatient when you can't make something work. You are sweet and often bless me with unsolicited kisses and hugs which absolutely tickles me.
You love to "help Mama" any chance you get. Cooking, cleaning, gardening, mowing, pulling weeds, sanding, painting, putting up your socks, collecting the trash, getting things for Kimber. You love to feel like part of the team and you are happiest when given a task so you can "help".

I hope your day was amazing, you have made my life amazing from the moment I met you.
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