Monday, May 10, 2010

Mommy Day

Lucky is not a good enough word.

Blessed seems so passive.

I can't quite put my finger on a single word that describes how I feel each time one of these little people gives me a hug, crawls up my leg, nuzzles his drooly mouth in my neck or asks me to play.

Becoming a mother was not a split second decision but I continue to be surprised by all the ways it has changed my life.

Wishing all you mommies a day filled with sweet baby snuggles and loads of love.

I thought I had accomplished a lot, but being a mother is by far my greatest accomplishment.

I thoroughly enjoy being your servant, disciplinarian, nurse and chef.

I am not and will never be the person I was before I become a mom, and that could not make me happier.

Happy Mother's Day

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