Since you are my last baby I am trying very hard to savor all of these little things. Right now you are all about crawling up to me and climbing up my leg and holding on, blowing wet sloppy bubbles on my legs and bouncing with glee. You are still nursing but it is a battle to do it anywhere but a dark room as you want to see what is going on in this big world. I cringe at the thought of my grocery bill in a few years because your little eight month old self can put away a massive amount of rice cakes, watermelon, crackers, peaches, noodles, sweet potatoes and french toast.
You are into and onto EVERYTHING in sight. You sweet baby crawl has turned into a full on race to keep up with brother, Muppet or whoever is heading out the door. You love being outside, which is not a shock but you have started making us aware of your displeasure when we bring you in before you are ready. You did get the red head doubt about it! One of your favorite activities is playing in water, be it the bath, the pool or Muppet's water bowl.
You have wormed your way into our hearts and again, we will never be the people we were before we met you Grey-Bear!!