Wednesday, April 22, 2009

13.1 miles down.....

In marathon measurements we are 13.1 miles through this race also known as pregnancy. I officially hit the 20 week mark and definitely LOOK and FEEL pregnant..........

We go to the doc today for a check-up. Here is how our baby is growing.....

Your baby is now practicing breathing and swallowing on a regular basis. Your baby continues to grow and fill out, with the head becoming slightly more proportional to the rest of the body.

Your baby's skin is becoming more complex at the end of pregnancy week 20, forming different layers. The epidermis, or surface of your baby's skin now has four layers that contain ridges for fingertips. The layers that form in your baby's palms and feet will provide him with his own unique fingerprint later in life.

We found out last week that the baby weighs around 11 ounces.

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