Sunday, December 7, 2008

Balls, Lights & Ladders...oh my

On Saturday, we got bundled up and went and got our first live Christmas tree. Quite by accident we found a lot run by a local boy scout troop and picked out a tree that was a but to tall for our living room, it looked around 8 feet tall leaned up against the trailer in the lot but once you stand it is it is at least 10 feet. We modified it and it looks great.

Matthew all bundled up and ready to go...

Matthew climbing the ladder.....

Me and Matthew, post ladder-rescue....

The finished product...

We also discovered a few new fun games....

Muppet, our new dog, is convinced that the tree skirt is actually a tug of war toy...I fully expect to wake up one morning and see it in shreds.

Matthew is of the opinion that the lights and balls should be rearranged and keeps pulling them off..silly me underestimated how high he can actually reach.

We are convinced that Matthew is part goat since he loves to climb everything...especially if you leave something within "climbing reach" of him. As I was installing lights, I feel this tug on my jeans and look down to see this cute little red headed boy looking up at me...

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