Last week we made some Easter cards.
This week we dyed some eggs......
and hands.
Today, after digging in to their baskets and then getting hopped up on chocolate and sugar
we headed to church to worship.
After church our annual picture taking adventures began.
We didn't get a shot with all four of us but got some cute ones separately.
We played tee-ball, gardened a little and Kimber and I took a nap (hallelujah).
Our sweet friends the Zomkowski's came over for Easter dinner which consisted of
Anita's scrumptious milk baked ham and a strawberry rhubarb pie.
We also threw together some asparagus, glazed carrots and white beans.
I had intended to make some deviled eggs with all of our dyed eggs but quickly decided that was not going to happen with the 2-year old "helping" me peel the eggs. He thought peeling meant digging for the yellow ball in the middle. Oh well, egg salad for lunch next week will be a nice change!
On a side note, I was pretty happy with how the boys tie shirts turned out...
along with my matching skirt, the first clothing article I have ever made for myself!!!
Hope your Easter was filled with blessings...and just a little bit of sugar!