Once upon a time Spring Break was all about the beach, beer, relaxing..or not... for this broke college girl.
Anywho, the boys were on Spring Break from preschool this week and man did we pack a lot of productivity and fun into the "break".
This is how our "break" panned out:
We spent the day at home and mowed our grass for the first time in 2012, Matthew actually steered the whole time! We finished prepping the big garden bed, we pulled LOTS of weeds, we played the worlds longest UNO game,we planted some flower and vegetable seeds and enjoyed the sunshine.
Our buddy Natalie came over to play today and we moved more mulch, went to the park, took a little hike, went and voted in the primary election, took Mauser the puppy for his shots, tried out Bruester's ice cream and rode our bikes and scooters.
We went over to Natalie's and painted with pudding, slid on the slip and slide, frolicked in the sprinkler and played in the sandbox.
A million errands since we "played" all week. Sports Authority, Target, bank, CPA's office, Home Depot, grocery store and Chic Fil A capped off by Matt's first Tee-Ball practice. Kimber cheered him on..all decked out in his shinguards.
We trekked up to Nashville to visit the zoo with our buddies Natalie, Addison, Jack and Ben. After a rainy, then sunny perfect zoo day we headed home and enjoyed an awesome cookout with our buddies Lyla and Henry, complete with chicken legs and roasted marshmallows.
We moved some more mulch into the garden, installed the support for our peas and beans, pulled some more weeds, visited with the neighbors and went to bed early!
Church and then home for a break before tee-ball practice.