There are so many phases that are ending in our world right now:
Tricycles..the boys both have 2-wheeled bikes and it still startles me a bit to see my baby barreling down the driveway on his big boy bike.
Potty training is done, the potty chair is gone, diapers are outta' here and the amount of nakedness at any given moment around this joint has drastically increased.
K is trying to give up his nap and I would be telling a lie if I said that didn't make me a little sad. He does nap some days, just not every day.
We have finally made the switch from whole milk to 2%, maybe this will help me drop some more pounds since I just have to have milk in my morning tea?
The days of having leftovers when cooking a "normal" sized meal are quickly vanishing. Kimber's appetite = voracious!
Along with this there are a number of new phases starting which is fun, most of the time.
Matthew can make his own fold-over peanut butter sandwich or tortilla. Of course he uses at least twice the amount of peanut butter I use but less thing for mama to do.
The amount of imaginary play has exploded these last few months. I am amazed that the chairs around the dining room table have been re-purposed into a boat, tent poles, a train, a stove and a scooter parking lot.
Kimber has become quite adept at serving himself. He opens the fridge, moves his chair over to the fridge, climbs up on chair, opens the fruit drawer, removes fruit, typically a clementine orange, sits the fruit on the floor, closes the fridge, moves chair back to the table, peels his orange and devours it. No chance of scurvy for this guy.
Cutting, lots of cutting. Matthew can cut things out pretty well and of course Kimber thinks his skills are just as good.
Superheroes, bad guys, good guys......both boys are enthralled with any character somewhat "super" in any way. While Captain America and Jackie Chan (did you know there is a Jackie Chan cartoon, no, you didn't, well, you're welcome now you do) are at the top of the list, Kung Fu Panda, Spiderman, Finn McMissile, Tow Mater, Superman and Batman are favorites too.
New Upcycle Ideas 769
22 hours ago