We recently embarked on our annual fall camping adventure. After much research we decided Dismals Canyons was to be our destination. Located a little over an hour away, it was perfect! We "really" camped this time, no electricity, no water and had to park about 1500 feet away from our car. There was a cool waterfall at our campsite...what I didn't realize when picking out the site that dripping water makes big boys go tee-tee....A LOT apparently.
Us girls and the kidlets arrived on Friday around 3 and set about unloading all of our gear and getting dinner on...a truly scrumptious muscadine pork loin.
The kids "helped" a little and had lots of fun hiking on the trail to the car and digging in the sand and rocks. The boys arrived around six, pitched the tents and supervised the cooking. We had a relaxing time hanging out, watching the kids play with the flashlights-glowsticks-tractors-shovels-etc.
Saturday morning, after chowing down on breakfast burritos we set out to hike the canyons. Truly amazing hiking, the kids loved it and were able to manage most of it alone. We learned some history, worked up a sweat and Matt developed a raging fever on the way back so not only did I get the hiking workout, I added a 30 pound kid the last half mile or so.

Some Tylenol and a long nap seemed to cure the fever and Matt was back in business for dinner, enjoying the campfire and s'mores Saturday night.
Sunday morning we just relaxed around the fire with hot chocolate and coffee...while eating breakfast and a few more s'mores. Eventually it was time to start packing up and huffing all the gear back to the vehicles.
We definitely made some memories and I am proud to say it only took me two weeks to get all of the bags unpacked. Yes, two weeks is good for me. We look forward to exploring a new campground in the spring.