Oh my little Matthew, today you turn 4. I dreamed about you for YEARS, you know the funny thing, you have and continue to exceed my expectations.
You went from this....
to this
Time has flown and you are so very thrilled to be 4, while I cannot say that we are totally ready for 4 year old in the house.......here we go.
It's official, my firstborn baby is rapidly transforming into a little boy, stinky feet and all. Your cute little round head gets more angular every day, you are starting to finally get a little taller, I swear you need a haircut monthly your hair grows so fast. I am proud of the little boy your are becoming...well...most of the time.

You are an extremely loving and touchy feely guy. You still need and ask for me to rock with you daily. I cherish these moments and know just how fleeting they are. You randomly hug and kiss us..which makes me think we might be doing something right. You are becoming a good little helper and do a good job at your chores, which include putting up clean underwear, feeding Muppet, matching socks and picking up toys. You are also learning to make beds, water plants and bring in groceries.

You have an opinion more often than I would like and can get quite inflamed when my opinion/instructions differ from your master plan. Time out is pretty effective with you but you also respect the wooden spoon. You lack patience with yourself which is not fun to watch but boy do we feel your pain.
You love to pretend. Most of your pretending revolves around going hiking, building a project, being a super hero or cooking. You also love to help cook. We make homemade biscuits pretty often and I am convinced within another year you will be able to do it on your own. You enjoy drawing, playing with play-doh and making random crafts.
You LOVE peanut butter. You like strawberries, grapes, Cheetos, ice cream, chocolate, risotto, cottage cheese, yogurt, frosted flakes, cheese, ham and noodles. You are still not a big eater but you seem to be growing on pace.
You love your friends...even though they are almost ALL GIRLS. You have certainly worn your fair share of princess dresses and Super Girl costumes. I can elicit good behavior from you by threatening to call and tell them they cannot come over because you are having a bad attitude.
Despite the fact that most of your buddies are girls, you are all boy. Trains, trucks, tractors, baseball, soccer and hiking are some of your loves. It seems Papa is not allowed to work on a project without your assistance. Band aids, holy moley apparently I should have started stocking up on these puppies long ago. You can go through the band aids my buddy, not that their application slows you down any.
Kimber and Muppet the dog are your best pals..but also the ones you love to antagonize most. I watch the sweetest moments pass between you two brothers, like holding hands sometimes when you go to sleep. It makes all of the work-dirt-lack of sleep so worth it. You guys can also fight and Kimber is starting to hold his own with you, suffice it to say, you are not impressed with this development.
You love love love climbing trees...or shrubs...or well just about anything!
You are really into Super Heroes right now with Iron Man, Spider Man and Captain America being your favorites. I amazed you a few mornings ago by whipping up not one but two cardboard Captain America shields for you and Kimber to play with. I am quickly learning the names of all these Supers, I keep wondering if there is a Cliff Notes edition so I can study up. You ride in the jogging stroller through the neighborhood a lot and shoot anything that moves with spider webs, I feel crazy safe with you around my little hero.
You decided you wanted to go bowling for your birthday and had an awesome time. I am a little surprised we did not get booted from the bowling alley with you and your buddies rolling multiple balls down the lanes simultaneously. The poor bowling alley lady certainly worked for her money last night.
All in all I think your day turned out great. You had PB&J for breakfast and lunch (as per your request) and two cupcakes, you were thrilled...and really whooped! Happy 4th!!
I love you little buddy and am so blessed to share my life with you.