I have to share an experience that has made me a believer in yet another German-engineered product. Many of you know I have a small VW affliction....well I am now a huge fan of Kettler. They make all kinds of bikes, parts, furniture and on the go goodies that increase the quality of outdoor life.
Santa brought Matthew a Kettler Go Green tricycle for Christmas and he loves it. Lately he has taken to driving it up to the end of the driveway and gliding back down to the garage. Riding his trike is a DAILY occurrence (and one that helps in the retention of my sanity).
Last Saturday, Matthew and I hopped in the car to run an errand and as I started to pull away I felt something....well, it was one of the rear wheels on his beloved trike. I tried to act normal even though I was screaming inside wondering what in the world I was going to do. We got our errand done and came back and I tried to bang the wheel back into shape to no avail.
As most of us do these days, I then turned to the internet to see if I could get replacement parts. I was skeptical until I ran across Kettler's website
http://www.kettlerusa.com/and apparently they are known for their customer service and parts availability. On Monday morning, I called the wonderful people at Kettler and for a mere fraction of the cost of the original trike, I had a new wheel and bearing on my front porch Friday afternoon.
I feel like I have so many bad experiences from a customer perspective and it is refreshing to come face to face with actual EXCELLENT customer service!!