Happy Halloween!
This was Matthew's 3rd actual Halloween but the first one that he dressed up for and boy did he dress up. He dressed up for German class, for a carnival hosted by my mom's group and then again on Halloween night. Kimber got in on the action too...though he snoozed through most of it.
I spent Halloween night with the most adorable DOG and the most huggable tiger (you didn't know tigers could be huggable, did ya). We trick or treated around our neighborhood and then came back and introduced Matthew to his first Tootsie Roll among other candies.
This was Matthew's first trick-or-treating experience and he has a bit hesitant at first but by the third house he had figured out the gig and would hop right out of his push car and wait patiently for his candy.....I am afraid next year the patience level might diminish?!
At the carnival with his buddies, EK & KK and of course the mommies.

At the Halloween carnival

That huggable tiger I was talkin' about.

Thrilled that Nana was helping him open and consume candy!